The new africa

Joint Security Removed Ghanaian IT Expert From Liberia


The Joint Security has confirmed the removal from the country of a Ghanaian, Sumson Essien Jr., from Liberia and back to his home, Ghana, after a Joint Security investigation established he entered Liberian borders and engaged in employment without resident and work permits, in violation of Liberia’s Alien and Nationality Law and the Decent Work Act of 2015.

The law requires an alien travelling to Liberia must first obtain Resident and Work Permits before engaging in employment activities in the country.

The suspect was arrested in Rivergee County after he was intercepted and interrogated by security officers about the nature of his work and required to produce his resident and work permits.

When he failed to produce the required permits, the government began the removal process and has since made arrangements with the Ghanaian Embassy near Monrovia to help reunite their compatriot with his family in Ghana. 

While it is believed that Mr. Essien arrived in Liberia to do a contracted work he should have exhausted the provisions of both labour and Immigration laws.

This action by the Joint Security was taken in keeping with law and is void of any prejudice. It is rather intended to ensure that foreigners travelling to Liberia adhere to established procedures.

Hence, Joint Security reassures the public that the November 14, 2023 elections will be held under a peaceful atmosphere.

Anyone who attempts to threaten the peace and stability of the state during the run-off election will be held liable and will face prosecution. 

Meanwhile, five persons have been arrested and are under investigation in connection with violence that took place in Zorlay Town, District #3, Nimba County.

The Joint Security Special Investigative Team has been mandated by the Minister of Justice to expeditiously investigate the matter and ensure that those responsible for the violence resulting to injuries are made to face the full weight of the law

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