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Relationship tips:7 things men do that make women love them more

Sometimes those little gestures a guy does for his partner just steals their heart away
What makes a man extra special? Doing the little things that seem ordinary but just raises the love scale.
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Sometimes those little gestures a guy does for his partner just steals their heart away and those moments are something to be remembered for a very long time.
Alicia Fanning of All Women Stalk lists those gestures that make women love their men more than ever:
  1. Kiss your forehead: What girl doesn’t love it when her #guy does this? A kiss on the lips is loving, but there’s just something special about a kiss on the forehead. It seems to say that you’re deeply special to him and his love for you runs deep. It’s a forever kind of kiss that #men who are seriously committed give. If your guy does this, you’re a lucky #girl
  2. Hold you when you cry: Women want to be held when they cry. Some #women cry easier than others do and that’s okay. We’re all different, but one thing about us is the same. We love when our #man takes us in his arms and holds us. It doesn’t matter what you’re crying over; what matters is knowing he’s there to comfort you and dry your tears.
  3. Surprises you with flowers for no reason at all: Just-because flowers are the best kind. Flowers are always a lovely gift, no matter why you’re getting them. But when your guy goes out of the way to get you flowers for no particular reason, your love for him is guaranteed to #grow deeper. Knowing that you were in his heart so much that he wanted to do something special for you is awesome. The moment he hands you just-because flowers is guaranteed to melt your heart.
  4. Tall his friends how great you are: Just-because flowers are the best kind. Flowers are always a lovely gift, no matter why you’re getting them. But when your guy goes out of the way to get you flowers for no particular reason, your love for him is guaranteed to #grow deeper. Knowing that you were in his heart so much that he wanted to do something special for you is awesome. The moment he hands you just-because flowers is guaranteed to melt your heart.
  5. Lift your chin for a kiss: Be still my heart! This is one of the most loving and romantic #things a guy can do. It’s guaranteed to make you love him even more. In fact, if you’re fortunate enough to be with a #guy who does this then you remember it well, don’t you? This one special move is impossible to forget.
  6. Surprises you with a weekend away: If your #guy hasn’t done this for you, don’t give up. It may be a few years into your #relationship before it happens. We’d been married four years when my husband did this for me. However, it’s perfectly okay to tell your guy that you’d love this surprise. Your hints can be very helpful to him.
  7. He shows his protective side: There are #things a guy does for you that let you know he wants to protect you. I know we #women are strong and can be very independent. But isn’t it nice to have someone who cares so deeply for you that he’ll put himself in harm’s way before he’ll allow you to be in that place? He could show this in different ways. He might handle a difficult situation to spare you from it or show his protective side by making sure your car is running correctly. However this trait shows up in your #man, it’s something to treasure.
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