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Make your dreams a reality

Jonathan Cronstedt shares advice on achieving your goals
As a businessman, I can tell you that small steps can lead to giant opportunities. If you have ever dreamed of doing or being something, your first step is to believe that you can make it happen. So often, people allow fear to control them, and anything new or unknown naturally creates fear. Remember: Fear can and will prevent you from being successful, so it’s important to venture out and explore your dreams. I’ve put together a few tips below that might strike a chord as you seek to change your life and the lives of others.
“You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
Know what you have to give.
Moving beyond your fear, you must see your own gifts. The name Jonathan Cronstedtwouldn’t be on the plaque on the CEO’s desk at Empower Network if I never recognized what I’ve got to offer. Gifts are meant to be shared; so why are you holding on to yours? Think about what you enjoy doing – that’s a good place to start to identify your gift. It may take some time, but if you’re serious about making a difference, take the time to really identify what it is that you need to share with others.
Take advantage of networking opportunities.
Networking is a part of becoming successful, which is one reason our quarterly events are such a big deal. They give you an opportunity to build your contacts and network. Connect with people in areas where you want to grow – in your industry and geographically. Your network will be those people who will educate you, encourage you, influence you (in a positive direction) and who are always honest with you.
Attend events to build your network. Local business communities often have networking events after work or even breakfasts that you can attend and learn from others in your field. There may even be conferences where you can listen to speakers and possibly visit somewhere you’ve never been before. Empower Network recently hosted a quarterly conference in Vegas, and there’s another one coming up in Nashville. Seeing a new place and having the opportunity to meet people and network: priceless.
Compliments are useful.
Accept compliments and thank the person who complimented you. These comments will help you identify your greater and lesser strengths. Listen to what people are saying; it’s an opportunity for you to grow. Even if you’ve identified your personal gift, you probably have even more gifts that you haven’t realized yet. A key to success is to constantly seek opportunities and feedback.
Wake up accomplished.
Each day, wake up with positive thoughts and the feeling that you have something to accomplish.
No one has ever accused Jonathan Cronstedt of being a morning person, but I start my day off with a cup of coffee as I review my list of three things I need to tackle for the day. I create this list before I stop work the day before so that I wake up feeling prepared and ready to complete the day’s tasks.
The biggest key to a better you is you. Be kind to yourself. Believe in yourself. You need to be able to look in the mirror, love who you see and not worry what others think. This will enable you to move forward.
Remember that people count on you.
Keeping your word is worth more than anything. If you trust yourself, know that others will feel the same way.
Make the most of everything.
Whatever you do, make sure you do your best. Make the most of every situation because you never know what lesson you might be learning or what skill you might be honing without even realizing it. If you don’t put up a good effort for the everyday stuff, you might not find the strength to fight through real challenges. Hold on to your dream and don’t settle for less than you’re worth.
Dreams are what keep us happy. Take small steps until you can make those giant leaps. If your first try isn’t successful, you’ve learned what you should do differently the next time. Don’t ever give up on making a better you.
Empower Network is here to keep helping you make your dreams come true. You only need to take the first step.
Jonathan Cronstedt

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